Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Review: Wonder - R.J. Palacio

Where I got it: My collection
Rating: 5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Interesting, and carried on throughout the novel which I appreciate.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: February 14, 2012
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Page Count: 313 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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August was born different. His face didn't form the same way as everyone else's. This left him with eyes to low, ears that aren't quite right, no lower jaw and other things. His brain works fine though and his emotions work too. People don't know how to react around him. Even after countless surgeries to make his face useable, he still doesn't look like everyone else. August is used to it though, the stares. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't have much of a choice, it hasn't been to terrible...yet. Now his parents think it's time for him to go to school. His mom has no more left to teach him, and he needs to learn how to deal with other people. At first August is hesitant, the life he has now is pretty okay why would he want to change that? August should know best of all though, that sometimes change can be good.

August was mature for his age, but only about his appearance. In other ways he seemed like a typical ten-year-old boy. I can't really picture what August must look like, but I would definitely want to be his friend (except I'm not a big Star Wars fan). He has a great sense of humor and is in general a pretty cool kid. I enjoyed that we got to see different perspectives in this novel. It starts and ends with August, but in the middle we get to hear from his sister Via, her boyfriend, her old friend, and a couple of August's school mates. It was nice to get to hear their side of the story too, it made August's character even more developed and lovable. It was also nice just to see what was going on surrounding August, that he may ave not told us, or may have not even known about. I really liked the illustrations at the beginning of each new perspective too.

This was a truly inspirational and touching story about a boy trying to grow up without too much ordeal. August realizes he looks different, but he doesn't feel different and he wants people to just adjust to him. I really liked the friendships he made, it's always nice reading about people who show genuine kindness. I also really enjoyed his teacher's precepts, and the ones that the kids sent in at the end of the novel. They completely matched with the kid who wrote them. I thought this was a good little lesson in itself to include within the novel.

A great novel for anyone who has ever been stared at because they look a little different. Anyone who has had cooties, or in general was teased for something they had no control over, should read this book. Wonder is a great novel for kids to read and hopefully it will help them remember that all people have feelings. It's a great book for adults too, because as you will see in this novel it's not only children that can behave poorly.

First Line:
"I know I'm not an ordinary ten-year-old kid."

Favorite Lines:
"My name is August, by the way. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse."

1 comment:

  1. Definitely sounds like a book that I'd really enjoy. Definitely adding this one to my tbr pile. Thanks, Britt!

    Irene Jennings of Prince Of Wales Island Fishing


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