Friday, September 14, 2012

Review: At the Palace of Marie Antoinette - Bianca Turetsky

Where I got it: ARC from publisher
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Gorgeous!)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 18, 2012
Publisher: Poppy
Page Count: 256 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Sequel to: Time-Traveling Fashionista

Louise is back again, and invited to another Fashionista sale. This time she has to find something for her friend, Brooke's birthday party. When Louise spots this beautiful blue dress, she can't help but try it on. Once again she finds herself transported back in time. This trip takes her to France into the world of Marie Antoinette. Louise knows the terrible fate that awaits Marie and those close to her. How can she convince this young girl that she needs to care about more than clothes and cake? Also...what happens to Louise if she can't find her magic gown? Louise starts to get nervous, but luckily she meets someone who is willing to help her out.

Louise felt younger in this second novel. In the first one she mostly seemed mature, but in this one she's struggling with growing up and ends up sounding childish a lot. It was a bit annoying, but she is young.  Other than that though, this story was pretty fun. I felt like less happened while she was time-traveling though. It seemed there was a lot more about Louise's real life and less about Marie Antoinette. This had me a bit bummed, because I am really fascinated by Marie's story.

You don't necessarily have to read the first book before reading this one. There is really only a few mentions that refer to the first book, besides finding out that dresses make Louise time travel. Not all dresses do, but some do.

Again, since I read an ARC there weren't color illustrations, but I know I'll buy it soon. If you enjoyed the first Time-Traveling Fashionista novel, definitely check this one out. If you like historical fiction or time-traveling novels, you could check this out too. This is a great story for girls of any age.

First Line:
"Louise is alone in the forest, and it is dark. She knows that she has never been to these woods before; she is in new territory."

Favorite Line:
"A lone baby goat wandered up to the clearing and the princess fed him a small cake from the table, which he greedily devoured, licking the remnants from her bare hand as she giggled." 

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! I haven't heard of this series, but sounds really neat - so am off to add to my Amazon wish list ;D


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