Monday, September 3, 2012

Review: My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece - Annabel Pitcher

Where I got it: Arc from publisher
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (The title is especially catching, but I really like this cover too. It's just plain interesting.)
Genre: Middle Grade
Publication Date: August 14, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Page Count: 211 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Jaime doesn't remember his sister all that well, so he doesn't really miss her. He feels strange about this because everyone thinks that he should. Jas, the other twin, is still alive though and he loves her. The grief of losing a child is too much for his parents, so they go their separate ways; Jaime, Jas and their father move to the Lake District. Here Jaime finally has a good friend, but his dad wouldn't approve. Jaime's father doesn't do much but drink though, so it's not like he really cares. Jaime just wants his family to be whole again, before things get any worse. He just wants everyone back together and that too much to ask?

This was an incredible story. I really came to like Jaime as our narrator. He had a very frank yet idealistic look at life. Jaime is only ten-years-old, and sometimes it shows but it doesn't make the story any less wonderful. This can be a hard story to tell, and I loved the way Annabel Pitcher tackled some difficult subjects. Death can be a long sad story, but this novel was written with a different outlook. Jaime was not immersed in sadness, because he didn't really remember his dead sister. If there's nothing to remember, then there is nothing to miss.

His sister Jas on the other hand, had a piece of herself missing, but she still managed to run the household. It sucks that their dad pretty much completely checked out. They had to fend for themselves, until he felt like intervening. Jas' boyfriend sounds pretty great too, he seems like a good guy.

Sunya was another awesome character. I would have really enjoyed having a friend as vibrant as she was. She just had this total energy and air about her. I'd love to see her in high school.

The end of this book is what really got me. The whole book was fun and interesting, with small bits of grief leaking in. The end though just hit me, much like it hit Jaime. Consider yourself forewarned. This story was a fairly quick read, but from an amazing perspective. I always enjoy stories where the main character is a little removed from the main storyline. I felt like there was grief running itself through the story and covering everything but Jaime, so it was nice to see what was going on in his head. Definitely check this one out if you get a chance.

First Line:
"My sister Rose lives on the mantlepiece." 

Favorite Lines: 
"I stared up at the sky and raised my middle finger, just in case God was watching. I don't like being spied on."

This is a Middle Grade Monday Post feel free to link your middle grade reviews/news below :) 
(doesn't have to be posted on a Monday)

1 comment:

  1. This really does sound like a lovely read, I like the sound of Jaime and Sunya, too! And now I want to read this just to find out what happens at the end, I love a book with that kind of impact. Great review, hun!

    And LOVE the new blog layout :D


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