Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Review: Shelter - Harlan Coben

Where I got it: Finished copy from publisher for review
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 3.5 stars (It's very interesting and relevant, but I just don't love it for some reason.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: August 21, 2012
Publisher: Speak
Page Count: 304 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Mickey Bolitar's life is a bit complicated right now. He lives with his Uncle (he doesn't really like him though) because his father is dead and his mother is in rehab. On top of this, Mickey's sort-of girlfriend has gone missing. No one knows where she's gone to, she has just vanished. Mickey isn't willing to let that be the end of it. He figures he can easily get to the bottom of it. What he doesn't expect are all the things that happen on the way. He befriends a girl named Ema and a boy named Spoon. This unlikely trio then launches an in-depth investigation to find out who Ashley really was and what has happened to her. They will meet more unexpected people and Mickey will make some discoveries that don't quite add up.

I didn't want to put this book down. I just wanted to know what was going on. There were so many different paths to take and I wasn't sure until nearly the end what was going on. Then, there was that last line! Wow! I was so glad I could dive right into the next book. I think this will be a big hit for boys and girls who are into a mystery novel that packs a punch. Mickey gets the tar beaten out of him in this novel and there is plenty of other action and espionage too.

I loved Spoon. He was such an odd and hilarious character. He spouted random facts instead of making small-talk. This is brilliant, though a little weird.  He was just always in high spirits. Opposite of Ema. She was always dressed in black and had tattoos covering her body...even though she was fifteen. She was not the light of the trio, though she was fairly witty. Mickey was a very realistic and relate-able character. Harlen Coben put these teens in some weird and extreme circumstances, but I felt that they were still realistic in their actions and thoughts.

This was just an exciting book with enough mysteries to keep you guessing. I recommend this for anyone looking for a great read that they can not put down. It definitely leaves you needing to read the sequel though, since this one doesn't wrap up all the loose ends. It actually ends on a cliffhanger. So pick this one up and make sure you grab the sequel, Seconds Away too.

First Line:
"I was walking to school, lost in feeling sorry for myself—my dad was dead, my mom in rehab, my girlfriend missing—when I saw the Bat Lady for the first time."

Favorite Lines:
"Have you ever seen someone who gave you the chills just by entering a room? This guy had that."

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