Saturday, October 27, 2012

Movie Review: The Moth Diaries

WherI got it: Library
Rating: 2.5 stars 
Cover Rating: 4 stars (This cover is great and I really like how Ernessa looks even if it's really strange. Her mouth is just so tiny, then she talks and I don't see how she hid all those teeth in that tiny tiny mouth.)
Rating: Rated R (sex/nudity/drug-use/language)
DVD Release Date: August 28, 2012
Run Time: 1 hour 42 minutes
Buy it: Amazon

For a summary of this movie, check out my review of the book version here.

So, the actresses in this movie were quite good. The script on the other hand...not so much. For me this movie just moved to quickly and this caused every character to be one-dimensional. I was glad to see Becca writing in her journal, but there wasn't enough to really get to know her. Ernessa was even weirder in the movie. There was not a single natural situation with her. Everything she did and said was out of left field. There was some of that craziness in the book, but it flowed a bit better. In the movie Ernessa pretty much just said strange things which may or may not have been Becca hallucinating. They did show a few things in the movie that made the book make since a little more, but they didn't really fit into the movie, as there was no background. I'd be really interested to see what other people though of this movie. I'd also like to see what people thought having read the book first, and not having read it first. I really wished this movie was better than it was. This book was a strange and difficult choice to adapt, and the movie shows how hard it really was.


  1. I haven't head of this but the cover is a little creepy and I will try and see it soon and let you know what I think :)

  2. I haven't watched the movie or read the book but I did just watch the trailer and it is so creepy.


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