Thursday, January 24, 2013

Review: Echo - Alyson Noël

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 3 stars (Fitting I suppose, but kind of boring.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: Novemeber 13, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Page Count: 340 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Sequel to: Fated

Though there is still more for Daire to learn, time is short. Not only does Daire have to step up her learning, but she has to figure out what is going on between Dace and her. Cade seems to have found a way to feed on their love and that will make him harder to defeat. Daire and Dace have to decide how they can defeat him, but whether they are apart or together it will still be a challenge. Neither one of them knows just how deep Cade's evil goes until everything is revealed. Even that knowledge may not save them though.

A great sequel to this series. The one thing that bothered me was Dace. He seemed way to mature in this novel. He did some things impulsively but for the most part he was incredibly level-headed. I don't remember him being like this in the first novel, but it was a while ago.

I really liked how the story progressed in this novel. Lots of secrets were revealed and it was interesting to see Daire learn more magic. Cade also changed a lot in this novel. He seemed much worse, much more suffering. It was nice to have some more Xotichl in this novel, because I think she is just fantastic.

The evil twin vs. good twin seemed a bit overemphasized throughout the novel. Even Dace seemed to be getting sick of how many times that comparison was made. It would have been better to just have Cade doing more evil things, I think that would have shown the point better.

The ending of this book is O_O. It doesn't even really end. I liked seeing things from different characters viewpoints, but what the hell Noël? Seriously! I just need the next book soon. Sooner than May! Regardless, I very much enjoyed this installment and will eagerly wait for the next.

First Line:
"Horse carries us across an expansive terrain with Raven riding high on his neck."

Favorite Line:
"My silent plea for forgiveness, chased by a single life-restoring breath."

1 comment:

  1. I actually have this book on request from my library. I don't think it will end up being one of my favorite series, but I did like the first one and am looking forward to seeing how the story continues.


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