Rating: 1 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (It's a good parody cover.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: February 7, 2012
Publisher: Touchstone
Page Count: 157 p.
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If you've read The Hunger Games, this is kind of like that except a parody. This is pretty obvious, since it says it on the cover, but in case you weren't looking. There it is.
I'm just going to start by saying that as a whole I found this book terrible. There were a couple of lines that I enjoyed (as found below) but on a whole this book kind of sucked. A lot of the humor was just immature. I'm sure some people will love this, but if you want something that's actually funny, I'd skip it.
I had no problem with it making fun of The Hunger Games. I enjoyed that book and was interested to see the twist that The Harvard Lampoon would give it. I feel like anyone could've written this parody though. Jokes were made in obvious places and on a whole were not funny.
If you've liked other books by The Harvard Lampoon I imagine you will probably like this one too since they probably use the same humor again. If you were thinking about reading it but weren't sure, I don't recommend it. Luckily it is incredibly short, so if you do start it you won't have to suffer too long.
First Line:
"I awake to the sound of a growling stomach."
Favorite Lines:
"'District Twelve. Where the safety is good, but other things are less good,' I say."
"People tell stories in the Crack about a boy winning the Hunger Games with just a pot lid, although back then they took place in Japan and were referred to as Battle Royale."
I wouldn't pick this up, but I am glad to know that I am not missing out. Thanks for the honest review :)