Friday, January 18, 2013

Review: Never Let You Go - Emma Carlson Berne

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Creepy.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: December 4, 2012
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Page Count: 240 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Megan made the mistake of making out with her best friend's boyfriend at a party. For the past year Megan and Anna worked on mending their friendship. Anna invited Megan to live and work on her uncle's farm for the summer, so Megan takes this as good news for their relationship. On the way to the farm Anna tells Megan about a boy she's fallen for, Jordan. Anna is sure that her and Jordan are meant to be. Problems start to arise when it's obvious that Jordan's affections lay elsewhere. Everyone seems to notice except Anna. Megan doesn't want to hurt her friend again, especially after she finally seems to be forgiven. Anna may take things too far in order to keep what she wants and Megan may not be the only one who suffers.

Anna. Is. Crazy. I don't even understand how Megan can be friends with her. Anna is terrible to Megan, always insulting her and cutting her down. I realize that Megan feels she owes Anna for something, but I think putting up with her as long as she had was more than enough payment. Anna take being a bad friend to the extreme. Some of the scenes with her made me so uncomfortable and I don't understand how Megan could even stand it.

Jordan seems like a nice enough character, he handled Anna well at least. It's tricky trying to fend off someone as unstable and obsessive as Anna. The novel didn't seem to even fully explore how crazy Anna was. From the level of her acts you can tell that she's much further gone then a typical person. Jordan remained fairly calm through all of her episodes though, which is admirable.

I didn't love all the soul mate talk. It seemed a bit much for the story. I mean, Anna though Jordan was her soul mate, but then Megan and Jordan thought they were meant to be together. It was all just a bit too much for me. Maybe Megan and Jordan were meant to be, but based on what? Statistical probability of love at first sight I guess. ;)

The psychological thriller aspect of this was lovely though. Anna was totally sketchy and it made me a bit sick thinking about what she might do next. If you like being kept awake and on the edge of your seat, definitely check this out. The beginning might not suit you, but the last third of the book is intense. Enjoy.

First Line:
"The party had been going on for hours."

Favorite Line:
"With her heart pounding, Megan pulled an index card from the envelope."

Warning: there is some animal cruelty in this novel.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read many reviews for this book, but it sounds intriguing (and Anna sounds crazy...I'm definitely curious what her character does in this story). Nice review!


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