Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review: Two and Twenty Dark Tales - Various authors

Where I got it: Netgalley
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (I really enjoy it.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 16, 2012
Publisher: Month9Books
Page Count: 340 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Dark re-tellings of Mother Goose rhymes are what this whole anthology is about. From Jack and Jill to Humpty Dumpty, these authors explore another side of these nursery rhymes.

I'm not going to review each story, because there were a lot and also the ARC didn't have all of the stories that are in the finished version. On a whole though I really enjoyed all these tales. Some were rhymes I was not already familiar with, but most of them I knew. I'm a huge fan of re-tellings and this one did not disappoint. My two favorite stories were "Wee Willie Winkie" by Leigh Fallon and "A Ribbon of Blue" by Michelle Zink. "Wee Willie Winkie" was pretty creepy. Nothing particularly scary happened in it, but it gave me goosebumps. It just had this very eerie feel to it. "A Ribbon of Blue" was just a fantastic little story about love. I really enjoyed Ruby and the carnival was a fantastic back drop for her story.

If you are a fan of re-tellings or short stories, I would highly suggest you check this out. Although I didn't love every story, I didn't hate any. There were a lot of really fantastic re-imaginings.

First Line:
"The question that kept coming up as I read the stories in this volume was why would anyone want to transform innocent nursery rhymes into dark and scary fairy tales?"

Favorite Lines:
"'Is that not the doubter calling the cynic skeptical'"

"And tells me that he is Death."

"You can't deceive the witches in the wood."

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