Thursday, April 18, 2013

Review: Alice in Zombieland - Gena Showalter

Where I got it: ebook from library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Love this cover, I'm buying the hardcover, because it is 100% gorgeous.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 25, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Page Count: 404 p.
Buy it: Book Depository | Indie | Amazon
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Alice Bell grew up knowing that her dad was different from other dads. He was paranoid and wouldn't let the family out after dark. He was worried that the monsters would get them. The only problem was that no one else saw these monsters. He would put the house into lockdown at night though, which put a damper on any kind of social life. Then, in a blink of an eye, Alice's whole life changes. Now she knows that her dad isn't crazy because she can see the monsters now too. Alice knows that the reason she can see them is so that she can destroy them and that's just what she sets out to do. She will need some help though because things are going to be far more complicated than she could imagine.

What a great zombie novel. A zombie novel for girls with scary zombies in it. YES! I really liked how the author approached the zombie concept in this story. Maybe some will find it a bit too religious for their liking, but I thought it was done well and not overly preachy.

My big issue with the book is the love interest. It was an insta-love which fine whatever, but the thing that got me is that Cole was a complete a-hole. Seriously he was so mean all the time to everyone including Alice. That is not the kind of guy you want a relationship with. He didn't really seem to get nicer the more we got to know him either. I realize that due to his life choices he's not going to be all rainbows and kittens, but it seemed like a dangerous relationship for Alice to put herself into. That's not to say I wouldn't put myself into the same situation, but as an outside observer I must make not that it is a bad idea to take up with bad boys that mistreat you(even if they also save your life). That being said...

This novel had me hooked from page one. It was a complete joy to read. There was love interest and amazing zombie action and secrets and mysteries. It was just a really enjoyable read. I would highly recommend this if you're looking for a story that packs a punch. There were also a lot of really hilarious moments. I was laughing a lot.

Alice was fun and I liked that. She took up with people easily, which was nice so she wasn't just moping all over the place. Not that she didn't have good moping reasons, but it's really boring watching someone just be depressed (*cough* New Moon *cough*). The banter between the characters and the awkward situations made me giggle gleefully and I just had a lot of fun reading this novel.

If you like zombie novels that are action-filled, but have  a bit of romance on the side definetly pick this one up. Just buy it in hardcover, because this book is completely gorgeous. The color of the cover, the actual cover, the spine work, the endpapers, this book is hands down the most gorgeous one I've seen ever.

First Line:
"Had anyone told me that my entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, I would have laughed."

"Besides that I'm-totally-a-serial-killer face, he had black bands tattooed around his wrists and brass knuckles tattooed over his...well, knuckles."

"Honestly, if you stuck your head inside a dead horse's rectum, you wouldn't smell anything close to this. (I haven't, by the way. I was only guessing there.)"

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