This week's topic is:
Babe in Boyland - Jody Gehrman (my review)
Scott Pilgrim (series) - Bryan Lee O'Malley (my review)
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks - E. Lockhart (my review)
The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place (series) - Maryrose Wood (my review)
43 Old Cemetery Road (series) - Kate & Sarah Klise (my review)
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins (my review)
The DUFF - Kody Keplinger (my review)
Sparks - S.J. Adams (my review)
Bloodthirsty - Flynn Meaney (my review)
The Broke and the Bookish is a group of college aged and twenty somethings that have an unhealthy obsession with reading and would spend every last penny on books even if it meant skipping a few meals. We are the people who lurk in the library, buy handbags based on how many books can be stashed in them, and who refer to characters in books as if they are personal friends.We sought after other bookish college students to share in our love for reading and were brought together by the College Students group on Goodreads that was created in September 2008. Our desire to share great books with each other in and our tendency to be opinionated and passionate about all things book related naturally led to the birth of The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.
You know, I haven't read BABE IN BOYLAND, but I've always loved that cover. It is so dang cute! Great selections all around :)