Thursday, June 6, 2013

Review: Black Ice - Andrew Lane

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 3 stars (Kind of just a meh cover. Not bad, but not wow.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 22, 2013
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Page Count: 278 p.
Buy it: Book Depository | Indie | Amazon
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Sequel to: Death Cloud and Rebel Fire

Sherlock is back and going to visit his brother in London regarding Sherlock's education. When Amyus and Sherlock arrive however, they see Mycroft holding a knife with a dead man behind him. The police are convinced that Mycroft is a murderer, but Sherlock doesn't believe it for a second. He and Amyus want to prove his innocence, but it's Myscroft and Sherlock who travel to Moscow. Of course,  there are bound to be many bumps in the path but hopefully they can still find Mycroft innocent.

This was a fun one. It was nice to see some more Mycroft in this novel. Also, maybe I just didn't notice it in the first two novels, but Amyus seems especially Southern in this novel. His drawl is very apparent in this novel.

It was a shame that there was hardly any Matty or Virginia in this novel. I quite like them and Sherlock just isn't quite the same without them. I guess Sherlock has to shake them loose at some point, but I missed them a bit in this novel. Matty always had something witty to say that reminded me of Watson. Maybe Sherlock is too embarrassed to deal with Virginia currently. I hope they are back for the next adventure though.

Pieces from the previous novels start to fall into place with the Moscow adventures. It's very nice to have some of the blanks filled in and to get a better picture of what and who Sherlock is facing.

I don't know what to tell you to get you to read this series if you haven't already. I mean, it's awesome. It's Sherlock. What more do you want?!

First Line:
"Sunlight sparkled on the surface of the water, sending daggers of light flashing towards Sherlock's eyes."

Favorite Line:
"Birds everywhere, staring at him with cold eyes."

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