Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stuff I Got This Week


Smash Books and supplies. Including...a cat pen.

So if you haven't heard of Smash books, they are really neat. Google some images of them. It's pretty much awesome scrap book paper in a binder book. You can doodle and glue and scrapbook and journal. Whatever you want.

My problem is that I bought two because they were on sale. Then I showed my mom. Then she saw them on sale for even cheaper and bought me two more. Now I have four of them and I don't know where to start.

Do any of you guys have Smash books or journal/scrapbooks? How do you start? What do you put in them? HELP?! ;) 


  1. I've tried journaling and doing the whole scrapbook thing, but always get bored with it and give up. My daughter wasn't too impressed when she discovered I made scrapbooks for her brothers when they were babies, but not for her. I was dealing with scrapbook burn out. Plus I didn't have time.

    Good luck with yours! :D

  2. I'm super interested in getting a Smash book, because I made an altered book in my art class senior year and enjoyed it (although I never finished). My only problem is never knowing how to start a new scrapbook/journal/sketchbook and having a ridiculous fear that I'll end up hating however I start it could ruin the entire thing. I'd just say go with your gut and put things that mean something to you in them! Good luck, and I'd love to see it once you have some progress! Maybe do a blog post about them once things get rolling? :)


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