Monday, July 1, 2013

Middle Grade Monday | Review: Wednesdays in the Tower- Jessica Day George

Middle Grade Monday is a feature started right here at Reading Nook. It's a way to share news or reviews of middle grade novels on a blog that doesn't exclusively post middle grade content. Feel free to join any time and link up.

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I want my own griffin.)
Genre: Middle Grade
Publication Date: May 7, 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Page Count: 235 p.
Buy it: Book Depository | Indie | Amazon
Add it: Goodreads

Now that everything is back to relative normality at the Castle Glower everyone starts to settle back into their routines. That means lessons for Celie. The Castle starts acting strange though and Celie finds herself late to lessons and in a tower she has never seen before. In this tower she finds an egg. A large strange egg. Celie isn't sure what's inside, but with the help of the Castle she's going to find out and take care of it. Something is happening with the Castle and this egg might just help Celie decode what it is.

Another lovely tale of Castle Glower. This one was a lot of fun too. I just really love all the personality that the castle has. Also, I love Celie. She's very in-tune with the castle and very adventurous.

I loved how the Castle prevented her from telling people things. It made the Castle seem much more alive than in the first novel. It was nice to get to know some of the characters that weren't really in Tuesdays at the Castle. Celie's eldest brother and parents were some that we got to see more of in this novel.

The ending of this kills me though. When I turned the last page I couldn't even believe it. I want more. I need more. When's the next book coming out!?

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a fun adventure novel with a hint of mystery. 

First Line:
"There are a lot of things that can hatch out of an egg."

Favorite Line:
"His face was white, bordering on green, and there was a small thread of blood oozing from his head wound."

This is a Middle Grade Monday Post feel free to link your middle grade reviews/news below :) 
(doesn't have to be posted on a Monday)

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