Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Review: The Time-Traveling Fashionista and Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile

Where I got it: Netgalley
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (So pretty.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: December 3, 2013
Publisher: Poppy
Page Count: 256 p.
Add it: Goodreads
Sequel to: The Time-Traveling Fashionista and The Time-Traveling Fashionista at the Palace of Marie Antoinette

Louise is once again super excited about the upcoming vintage sale even if the rest of her life isn't going so great. Her best friend has a boyfriend now and isn't spending as much time with her. Louise also still isn't loud and proud about her love of vintage and gets picked on at school a bit for her attire. She has stumbled upon some interesting information about her mother though that makes her suspect that there's more to her time-traveling than her mother lets on about. She's very excited to see where she'll end up this time, and she sees just the dress to take her there. 

THERE WERE NO ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE E-GALLEY!!! That was very disappointing, but luckily the book is out now, so I can go buy a copy and look at the gorgeous color illustrations. 

I was a bit disappointed when Louise first arrived at her location, because I was expecting full-on Egypt times and was met instead with Hollywood. Not that old Hollywood isn't fabulous in its own way, but EGYPT! So I was quite relieved to see that everything was not how it appeared to be, yet again. This was a really great addition to Louise's time-traveling. I also am really enjoying watching her current day relationships expand. There should be lots of fun to come with the next books in this series. 

This is seriously a perfect gift for a teen/tween who's a bit quirky. I think Louise is a realistic character that girls who are starting to shape their personalities can really relate too. Louise is a fun character and her adventures make me jealous of her vintage clothing sales. The illustrations alone make this book a must read, so make sure you check these out soon.

First Line:
"'Louise, what are you doing awake at this hour?'"

Favorite Line:
"She opened the creaky old trunk, tossed her secret stash of Barbie and Ken dolls onto the hardwood floor, and pulled out the poodle necklace."

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