Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review: The Golden Day - Ursula Dubosarky

Where I got it: Inter-Library Loan
Rating: 3 stars  
Cover Rating: 2 stars (Not really a fan of it. )
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: August 6, 2013
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Page Count: 160 p.
Add it: Goodreads

Miss Renshaw is not a very traditional teacher. She often takes the girls outside to learn. Really, it's just so she can meet with her lover Morgan. One day, Morgan and Miss Renshaw bring the girls to see an old cave with drawings inside. The girls leave the cave to wait for Miss Renshaw, but she never comes out...neither does Morgan. The girls aren't sure what to do, so they head back to school. Days past and the news is spread that Miss Renshaw is missing. The girls keep quite though because those little outings were a secret.

This story would have probably worked better as a movie. It was interesting enough, but I feel like visuals would bring it to life. I felt like a lot of the emotions that the characters went through weren't adequately felt by me because of the writing.

I did like Cubby however. I think we would have been friends. I too agree that history doesn't seem quite real because I can't imagine the world being more primitive than it currently is. It's strange thinking about a time without computers or electricity. I'm glad she was our narrator.

This story doesn't really give you any definitive answers. At the end you'll be left with Cubby wondering at what has happened and what is real. The story has a haunting feel to it and is a quick read.

First Line:
"The year began with the hanging of one man and ended with the drowning of another."

Favorite Lines:
"There were more footsteps, more voices. A door closing."

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