Monday, March 10, 2014

Re-tellings I have loved

Team Epic Reads recently released this amazing chart of YA retellings. It's even broken down into different categories and further into specific stories. I am a huge fan of retellings and am super excited to have this list to direct me when I'm picking out the next one I want to read. So make sure that if you're a fan of retellings, you check out their awesome chart below (click to enlarge) or go to their website where they have other version and printables!

Since I'm such a fan of retellings and have read quite a few I figured I would share some of my favorites today to get you started or share in the joy with you!

Damosel - Stephanie Spinner
Not so much necessarily a retelling, as bringing life into a character. This story is from the perspective of King Arthur's Lady of the Lake. 

Fathomless - Jackson Pearce
The September Girls - Bennett Madison
Two Little Mermaid retellings that felt very different from each other, but were both good in their own ways. 

Sweetly - Jackson Pearce
A Hansel and Gretel retelling that is possibly more creepy than the original.

Tiger Lily - Jodi Lynn Anderson
This is another that may not be strictly a retelling, but is still based on a story that already exists. I know the EpicReads ladies are a big fan of this one and I was too.

Impossible - Nancy Werlin
A Rumpelstiltskin retelling that was different but awesome. 

Illyria - Elizabeth Hand
A Twelfth Night retelling that was haunting and intriguing.

Death Cloud - Andrew Lane
So this is yet another that is not really a retelling. This is Sherlock Holmes' younger years and it's pretty fantastic. 

Briar Rose - Jane Yolen
Sleeping Beauty re-telling that was one of my favorite retellings.

Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine
Another one that was my absolute favorite is this retelling of Cinderella.

So those are ones that I have read and loved.
What are some of your favorite retellings?


  1. Ella Enchanted is such an amazing Cinderella retelling! That was one of my favorite books as a kid.

  2. I haven't read any of these re-tellings but, I have been enjoying them more and more. My fave re-telling is Enchanted by Alethea Kontis (and I highly rec' the audio book ;) )


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