Thursday, March 27, 2014

Review: Through the Zombie Glass - Gena Showalter

Where I got it: Amazon Vine
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (I love how gorgeous these books are.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 24, 2013
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Page Count: 480 p.
Add it: Goodreads
Sequel to: Alice in Zombieland

Alice has lost a lot and now just has her Nana...and maybe Cole. She goes out zombie hunting with the others one night and gets bitten and things start to get weird. She tries to bite Cole moments after being bitten. The zombie virus shouldn't have spread that quickly. Afterwards, things keep being weird. Her reflection isn't of her, not really. She also keeps getting hungry...very hungry...for souls. Soon after she starts noticing these things Cole disappears from her life and the other slayers lives too. Now she has to try to fight the darkness in herself by herself. If she can't manage to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it the few people she has left might be in danger...from her.

A very nice sequel. I had forgotten a lot of what happened in book one, but I feel like this book did a good job of reminding me without just retelling the whole first book again. Now I'm just dying to find out what happens next.

Alice's inner battle is fantastic and I'm intrigued to see what will happen with it. I still didn't really care too much for Cole in this story. He was still a jerk for most of it. Nearer the end he started to be more tolerable though.

There was a ton of action in this novel too and lots of twists and turns. There were a lot of unknowns, mostly about who Alice could trust. It was not made more clear when Cole abandons her and turns sullen.

This was a good sequel in which a lot happens and I'm super excited to see what happens with Anima and everything in the next book. If you liked the first novel this one will not disappoint.

First Line:
"Where should I begin?"

Favorite Lines:
"If they decided to play Animal Planet, I'd...let them, I decided. Both would end up unconscious and I would no longer be trapped in this tug-of-war. Sure, I'd have to clean a pool of blood, but just then that actually seemed like the better choice. We had plenty of baking soda and vinegar."

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure I should read this series but I like that the sequel was enjoyable for you, and that there was plenty of new info.


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