Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Review: The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs - Jack Gantos

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3 stars  
Cover Rating: 2 stars (Suitable, but I don't care for it.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: April 18, 2006
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Page Count: 192 p.
Add it: Goodreads

Ivy discovers something very strange in the basements of the Pharmacy across the street from where she lives. She isn't sure what to do with the information and it unsettles her. Her mother tells her it has to do with the Rumbaugh's love curse and Ivy might have the curse too.

This was a very peculiar book and I'm not entirely sure if there are an young adults that I could recommend this too. There's love curses, taxidermy and plenty of other weird stuff packed in to this book. I feel like I missed the point of what Jack Gantos was trying to convey with this story besides the fact that people are strange.

This book was certainly fascinating. I read through it and was kept interested, but thoroughly perplexed. I really feel as though I missed something with this book.

If you're looking for a very, very strange read, maybe check this one out. It won't take you very long, and then maybe we can discuss it (although discussing it with my co-worker didn't seem to help).

First Line:
"I expect you might think the story I am about to tell you is untrue or perversely gothic in some unhealthy way."

Favorite Line:
"It was crumpled up a bit from dryness, and if I had known it was their mother I would have screamed."

1 comment:

  1. I love that the main thing you got from this book was "people are strange" - yes, yes they are!

    I often read books and feel as though I'm missing something, it's an odd way to leave a book.


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